Personal Inventory

This week I am teaching a lesson at the Celebrate Recovery (CR) at Mount Ararat Church in Stafford, VA. This lesson is on Daily Inventory.
In CR principle 7 it is stated “Reserve a daily time with God for self-examination, Bible Reading and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will.”
Step 10 states, “We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it.”
This step and principle are based on the verse:
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall”
1 Corinthians 10:13
Self evaluation is very important for everyone. Writing down your thoughts and experiences from the day enables you to recognize patterns overtime that you may want to increase, make less or get rid of in your life. Things that make you life happier, things that distract, things that flat out don’t work all can be patterns revealed by self evaluation.
My problem has always been that I am not good at journaling. Sometimes it is tedious, other times I just don’t have anything to say and when that happens I feel like a failure. I know that is harsh to say but not accomplishing what I set out to do can weigh on me and probably on you as well.
With that in mind I have simplified what I work through on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. I have created something that is easy to complete and that helps me feel accomplished at the beginning and end of my day.
This in not an original idea. I pulled many of these ideas from Podcasts, blogs, books and other sources and combined them into something I could manage.
Feel free to download and look at these documents. They are easy to understand. Over the next few weeks I will put out a few more blogs and videos to explain how to use them and make the most of them.
Download Personal Inventory Sheets
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